By In Culture

Margaret Sanger – The 20th Century’s Public Enemy #1

by Marc Hays

Hitler? Nein. Stalin? Niet. Mussolini? Nope. Pol Pot? Mao Tse-tung? Not even close. This woman’s got them all beat. Her minions are responsible for more murderous, torturous, barbarous human deaths than all of those wretched men put together. Her name is Margaret Sanger. She was a villain, and the world sings her praises.


Dr. George Grant has published a biography of Margaret Sanger, Killer Angel, as well as given lectures, on the history of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. Here is an excerpt from one of those lectures:

“I wish that hindsight really were 20/20. If hindsight were really 20/20, then we would be able to look back on the late lamentable history of the twentieth century with the jaundiced eye that such a century deserves. The twentieth century was the bloodiest century of all of human history. The 20th Century saw governments kill their own people in astonishing numbers. More people died at the hands of their own governments in the 20th Century than in every other century combined. The 20th Century – the century of science and achievement; the century of unparalleled prosperity; the century of ideology; the century of fighting wars to end all wars –  was an horrific disaster. I wish that hindsight were 20/20, because then we wouldn’t make the silly sorts of judgements against things like the crusades, or the so-called “Dark Ages” or the inquisition that we do standing pompously as we do on our 20th and 21st Century soapboxes and denouncing earlier generations for things that we’ve done blown up on steroids.

“On January 1st, 1900, most Americans greeted the 20th Century with the proud and certain belief that the coming century would be the greatest, the most glorious, and the most glamorous in all of human history. They were, like many Europeans of the day, infected with a sanguine spirit. Optimism was rampant. Confidence seemed to color every activity. Certainly, there was little in their experience to make them think otherwise. Never had a century changed the lives of men and women more dramatically than the one that had just passed.

“The 20th Century has moved fast and furiously, so that those of us who have lived in it sometimes feel giddy watching it spin. But the 19th Century moved faster and more furiously still. Railroads, telephones, the telegraph, electricity, mass production, automobiles, forged steel, and countless other modern discoveries had all come upon them at a dizzying pace expanding their visions and expectations far beyond anything that their grandfathers could have wildly dreamed in a fevered fit.

“My wife’s grandmother set up housekeeping in a covered wagon. At the end of her life, she sat astonished as we taught her “email.” But in the 19th Century, those kinds of comparisons were vastly expanded. We forget the fact that Napoleon moved his armies in approximately the same fashion at approximately the same pace with approximately the same obstacles as Nebuchadnezzar had, but in the span of the 19th Century things changed, and changed so dramatically, that the world seemed to be a living revolution. As a result, as Americans greeted the 20th Century, they were full of confidence and certainty. It was more than just unfounded imagination that lay behind the New York World’s new year’s prediction that the 20th Century would meet and overcome all of the perils and prove to be the best that this steadily improving planet had ever seen. Most Americans were cheerfully assured that the control of man, nature, and nations would soon lie entirely within their grasp and would bestow upon them the unfathomable millennial power to alter the destinies of societies, nations, and ethics. They were a people of manifold purpose. They were a people of manifest destiny. They were certain that, given enough time, science could conquer every ill. Theirs was a  world of salvation by education; salvation by legislation; salvation by medication. It was a kind of winter witchery; a world of modern magic; and the world was intoxicated with it.

“What they did not know, of course, was that dark and malignant seeds were already germinating just beneath the surface of the century’s new soil.

“At the time, Josef Stalin was a twenty-one-year-old seminary student in Tiflis, a pious and serene community located at the crossroads of Georgia and Ukraine. Benito Mussolini was a seventeen-year-old student teacher in the quiet suburbs of Milan. Adolf Hitler was an eleven-year-old aspiring art student in the quaint upper Austrian village of Brannan. And Margaret Sanger was a twenty-year-old, out-of-sorts, nursing school/high school dropout in White Plains, New York. Who would’ve ever dreamed? Who could have ever guessed on that ebulliently auspicious New Year’s Day that those four youngsters would, over the span of the next century, spill more innocent blood than all the murderers, warlords, and tyrants of past history combined? Who could have guessed that those four youngsters would together ensure that the hopes, dreams, and the aspirations of the twentieth century would be smothered under holocaust, genocide, and triage?

“As the champion of the proletariat, Josef Stalin saw to the slaughter of at least fifteen million Russian and Ukranian kulaks. As the popularly acclaimed “Il Duce,” Mussolini massacred as many as four million Ethiopians, two million Eritreans, and a million Serbs, Croats, and Albanians. As the wildly lionized Führer, Hitler exterminated Lord knows how many Jews, two million Slavs, and a million Poles. As the founder of Planned Parenthood and the impassioned heroine of various feminist causes célébres, Margaret Sanger was responsible for the brutal elimination of more than forty million children in the United States alone and nearly two and a half billion worldwide.

“…No one in his right mind would want to rehabilitate the reputations of Stalin, Mussolini, or Hitler. Their barbarism, their treachery, and their debauchery will make their names forever live in infamy. Amazingly, though, Sanger has somehow escaped their wretched fate…In spite of the fact that her crimes against humanity were no less heinous than theirs, her place in history has effectively been sanitized and sanctified. In spite of the fact that she openly identified herself in one way or another with every one of their causes. She lauded Stalin’s Sobornostic Collectivism; she wrote eloquently in defense of Hitler’s Eugenic Racism; and she was a stalwart adherent of Mussolini’s Agathistic Fascism – Sanger’s faithful minions have managed to manufacture an entirely independent reputation for the perpetuation of her memory.”–Dr. George Grant

May the Lord use his servant, Dr. Grant, to shine the light of truth into dark places, revealing those things that ought to be put to death: lust, fornication, adultery, lewdness, covetousness, bitterness, selfishness, desertion, and murder.

Not babies. Babies shouldn’t be put to death.

Lord, have mercy.


Listen to the rest of this lecture by following this link to

Read Dr. Grant’s 1995 book, Killer Angel online here.

Order a hard copy of Killer Angel here.<> методы продвижения услуг

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