By In Scribblings

While It Is Still Called, “Today”

God is now calling all men everywhere to repent, which means he is not calling any men anywhere to wait until they’re certain they’ve been made alive before they repent. Seek Him while he may be found; call upon Him while He is near; drink from the living water He now offers, for He has not only secured life, He is life. Faith is the evidence of things unseen, and although you may not yet see evidence of new life, faith will repent, drink the living water, and trust that fruit will follow, that life will follow. When we see streams of living water flow from repentance, we know that it is God who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure, we know that the wind, the Spirit, has moved. Our heavenly Father always has a fatted calf ready to slaughter for the feast following repentance. The angels are ever itching for the party.

Our faith is not in our faith. Our hope is not in our fruit. Our sure and steadfast hope is that Jesus died to conquer death, and he ever lives to impart His own life to us, in us, and through us to the world.

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